Focus industries

The Hague is a major center for Peace & Justice, Energy & Renewables and Finance & Legal. Learn more about our focus industries in the sections below.

Over 19,500 people dedicated to the cause of world peace are working and living in The Hague

Peace & Justice

Home to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Peace Palace and almost 240 international (governmental as well as non-governmental) organizations there are around 19,500 people dedicated to the cause of world peace already in The Hague and with the continuous influx of new IO’s & NGO’s, this number is rising. 

We look forward to welcoming new organizations to contribute to this international hub of peace and justice.

Energy & Renewables

WestHolland has a large track record in the Oil & Gas cluster. This stems not only from the proximity of the Port of Rotterdam and its petrochemical industry. The Hague is also home of the headquarters of Royal Dutch Shell. This is one of the large players that have chosen to be in the proximity of the national government, which plays a major role in lice nsing for the Dutch North Sea Shelf. 

Traditional players, start-ups and science partners are teaming up in and around The Hague to be in the forefront of renewable and sustainable energy. For example, companies in the horticultural cluster have made impressive progress over the years. You may learn from their climate control greenhouses!

Finance & Legal

The neutral and international reputation of The Hague has been an important reason for the recent establishment of the International Court of Financial Arbitration and continues to play a role in attracting new (national and international) actors to the region. Of course, there is synergy between the financial cluster and the cluster working on peace, justice and international legal progress. You too can be part of these networks.